Video: Seiyunchin Part 1

Open hands, low stances, no kicks and lots of beautiful, nuanced hand techniques: it can only be Seiyunchin! Continuing our kata lessons, this is the first part of our Seiyunchin series, and is a detailed introduction to the kata in all of its glorious technicalities and hidden gems. Perfect for those new to the kata, and helpful to those looking to add polish.

Intro to Saifa Kata

Welcome to Saifa 101! This is a step-by-step walkthrough of the kata, explaining the finer points of the kata as taught in our OGKK affiliated dojo. Learn the stepping, hand techniques and subtle detail of this beautiful and deadly kata.

Video on Why We Wear White in the Dojo

The karate gi has a longer (and shorter) history than most people realize. We trace the famous angry white pajamas to their origins, explore the logic and history behind the use of white fabric, and the modern stylings of keiko-gi, and cover it in 10 minutes flat.

But Still. I’m So Sorry.

Karate has survived two world wars, Spanish flu, numerous recessions and the worst McDojos in the world. It will survive this. I’m not worried about karate – I am worried about you. The student. The instructor. The dojo parent. Wherever you land in the constellation of people that make up a dojo, I worry. I hope you are okay. I hope you have your health and your livelihood.